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♥ Protection ♥ Grounding ♥ Healing ♥ Self-worth ♥ Strength ♥ Focus ♥


Element: Earth

Chakras: Root


Silver Leaf Jasper is a grounding stone known for its nurturing energies and striking patterns that resemble foliage or landscapes. This stone is deeply connected to the Root Chakra, promoting stability, balance, and a profound sense of grounding to the earth. It enhances one's physical and spiritual stamina, providing support during times of stress and imbuing the wearer with a sense of peace and wholeness. Spiritually, Silver Leaf Jasper encourages a deeper awareness of nature and one's surroundings, fostering a harmonious relationship with the environment. It aids in mental clarity and focus, helping to dissolve any feelings of overwhelm and encouraging a pragmatic approach to life's challenges. Emotionally, this stone is a powerful healer of the heart, soothing emotional wounds and nurturing feelings of self-worth and self-acceptance. Its protective properties help shield against negativity, making it a comforting companion for those navigating difficult emotional landscapes.


Please Note: These are randomly selected

Price is per EACH item

Silver Leaf Jasper Tumbles

$5.00 Regular Price
$3.75Sale Price
  • Size: 2.5cm x 2.5cm approximately

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